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Accumulation of Freedom video promo

Posted on February 17th, 2012 in Uncategorized

The Accumulation of Freedom has been making its way into readers’ hands the last few weeks. The editors and contributors have a number of events scheduled to promote the book and further discuss the contours of an anarchist economics. The topic has been largely ignored in anarchist circles of late, which makes this volume all the more exciting. Here’s a short promo that Anthony J. Nocella, II put together to introduce the book:

Anti-capitalism is too often little more than a sentiment, easily captured as a slogan on a wall or banner. Much of the discussion stays close to the surface. It’s as if we, as anarchists, don’t feel a responsibility to intellectually challenge capitalist dogma on its own terms (because we can’t? because it requires an incredible amount of work?). We rail against capitalist institutions and forms but spend too little time working to understand them and to effectively translate that understanding to others. So it’s with pleasure that we welcome works like Accumulation, David Graeber’s Debt, and forthcoming titles like Wayne Price’s revamped book on Marx’s economics for anarchists (2012), and Geoff Mann’s Dissassembly Required: A Field Guide to Actually Existing Capitalism (2013). Those smug anarchists quick to dismiss the study of economic history and theory are really missing out. It’s the best thing going these days.