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Revolution by the Book The AK Press Blog

AK Authors Blogroll!

Posted on February 18th, 2009 in AK Authors!

One of the great things about dealing with marketing & publicity for AK Press is having the chance to work with authors who are really excited about promoting their books and staying up-to-date on what’s going on with social and political struggles here in the U.S. and across the globe. Sitting here thinking about stuff to feature on the AK Press blog, it occurred to us that lots of AK authors have blogs of their own—devoted to everything from radical parenting to black politics to social struggles in Latin America, and beyond! So here’s a list of some fantastic sites by AK authors that we read frequently—it’s not exhaustive, by any means, and we’d sure love to know if there are other ones we should include on this list!

My Mother Wears Combat Boots:

A blog devoted to news about radical parenting by super-cool activist and musician mom Jessica Mills, author of the book of the same name, published by AK in 2007.

The Nowtopian:

The fantastic & comprehensive blog of Chris Carlsson, author of the AK Press smash-hit Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today. It includes the full archive of Chris’s long-running column at Lip Magazine, plus tons of rants, musings, reviews, and other interesting tidbits for your reading pleasure.

The New Liberator:

Great blog devoted to the politics of race and class, by Kevin Gray, one of the strongest critical voices in today’s Black left, and the author of Waiting for Lightning to Strike: The Fundamentals of Black Politics, published just a few months ago by AK Press/Counterpunch.

Upside Down Notebook:

Ben Dangl, political activist and author of The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Boliva edits and contributes to a lot of websites (including the seminal Upside Down World and Toward Freedom sites), but Upside Down Notebook is his personal blog, filled with stories from his travels in Bolivia, musings on current events, photos, graphics, and beyond.

Chris Spannos on Zspace:

Not quite the same thing as a blog, but as a full-time Z-staffer and a Z-net editor, Chris Spannos, editor of Real Utopia: Participatory Society for the 21st Century, is a prolific poster on the site, and the archive of his posts and other comments and musings is well-worth checking out!

Rebel News and Views:

The blog portion of the colorful website devoted to Joshua Frank & Jeffrey St. Clair’s edited collection, Red State Rebels: Tales of Grassroots Resistance in the Heartland.

The JustSeeds Blog:

The collective blog of the JustSeeds Radical Artists Cooperative—absolutely fantastic blog filled with deliciously entrancing images, news and views about the world of radical politics, and announcements of events taking place all over the country. JustSeeds members Josh MacPhee and Erik Reuland are frequent contributors to the blog, and are the co-authors of the beautiful AK Press book Realizing the Impossible: Art Against Authority.


Your niche-free journey through matters of urgent interest!  The blogospheric home of Brian Awehali, writer, designer, commentator, and editor of AK’s Tipping the Sacred Cow, an anthology that collects the best of the now-defunct, but still legendary, LiP Magazine (which Brian founded and edited up to the very last issue in 2006).  An excellent source for commentary on issues in the news, ranging from politics to science, to urban studies to transportation and beyond.

Aaaand, there’s many more that haven’t been updated in a while … which we won’t post here. But let us know if we’ve missed any AK author blogs—or if you’re an AK author and this post inspires you to start blogging again, write us to let us know that you’ve been updating your site!