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Revolution by the Book The AK Press Blog

February’s Political Prisoner birthdays – write a letter!

Posted on January 31st, 2012 in AK Allies, AK Distribution

I assume that most of you have seen the great monthly posters put out by the folks at Chapel Hill’s Prison Books Collective — every month, they release a new one that you can print out and hang up around your school, infoshop, workplace, and local coffeehouse with the names and addresses of incarcerated comrades celebrating their birthdays that month.

This year, I encourage all of you to send letters, books, zines, AK catalogues, images, postcards, and anything you can into the prisons. Check out the Prison Books Collective calendars for suggestions of who to write to, find your local prisoner support organization, join or start a letter-writing night, ask for advice at your local infoshop (that’s why they exist!) or whatever it takes. Don’t forget our friends on the inside. They’re a vital part of our struggle, and in many ways, we are fighting for them, just as they are fighting for us.

Click here to download February’s calendar of Political Prisoner Birthdays.