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Grace Lee Boggs and Immanuel Wallerstein at the USSF

Posted on July 15th, 2010 in Current Events, Recommended Reading

Y’all were (unfortunately) treated to some of my reportsback from the USSF a couple of weeks ago, as Suzanne and Jessica and I beat our way through the wilds of Detroit. But I think I failed to mention that, for me, one of the things I was most looking forward to at the Social Forum was the chance to hear the incomparable Grace Lee Boggs speak in person. For those who don’t know, Grace was one of the forces behind the Johnson-Forest Tendency, with autonomist Marxists (and humanists) C.L.R. James and Raya Dunayevskaya. Of course, all things being what they were (i.e., insanely busy between the panels I was speaking on, and the tabling), I didn’t actually get to go to any of Grace’s talks! But John from Red Emma’s managed to sneak off to catch Grace’s conversation with world-systems-analyst Immanuel Wallerstein, and he was kind enough to record it for all of us who weren’t there! So, enjoy.


THURSDAY JUNE 24 at the United States Social Forum: A Conversation with Immanuel Wallerstein & Grace Boggs

What time is it on the clock of the world? Grace Lee Boggs and Immanuel Wallerstein draw on more than 50 years of experience exploring questions activists face for {r}evolutionary change in the 21st Century.