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Sneak peek at Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion

Posted on March 19th, 2012 in About AK, AK Authors!, AK Book Excerpts, Recommended Reading

Hopeless coverWe’re still recovering from our exciting weekend at Left Forum (full reportback forthcoming!) but just a quick post to let you know that we just received the first advance cases of Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion, edited by Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank! It looks just fantastic … the cover is by Tim Simons of Front Group Design, and it’s really incredibly striking.

This collection is both impressive and timely. It’s is a scathing indictment of the Obama presidency from the best writers on the American Left. A view of Obama’s policies from the trenches: the compromises, the backstabbing, the same old imperial ambitions. From the sell-outs to big oil and the nuclear industry to his continuation of savage Bush-era policies in the CIA’s global network of secret prisons, our hope is that this book will outrage the politically naive, delight the critical, and inspire those looking for an alternative to the dismal politics of lesser evilism. As Emma Goldman said, “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Let this book stand as a painful reminder to those who think anything less than social struggle will net tangible gain.

Below you’ll find a sneak peek at the Table of Contents … and here’s a link to preorder your copy today. Cases of books are on their way to California right now, and we’ll mail out preorders just as soon as they arrive!

Prelude: Barack Obama, Changeling
Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank

Marketing Hope
Kevin Alexander Gray

Obama’s Money Cartel
Pam Martens

A Kettle of Hawks
Jeremy Scahill

Obama’s Israel Problem
Joshua Frank

From Oscar Grant to Barack Obama
Ron Jacobs

AIG and the System
Jeffrey St. Clair

Orwell in Baghdad
Chris Floyd

A Redneck View of Obamarama
Joe Bageant

Obama and Abortion Rights
Sharon Smith

From State Secrets to Wiretaps
Sibel Edmonds

Obama and the Man in the Hat
Jeffrey St. Clair

The Wall Street White House
Andrew Cockburn

The Honduran Coup
Conn Hallinan

Obama’s Immigration Reforms
Wajahat Ali

The Wolf at Trout Creek
Jeffrey St. Clair

Obama’s Mistakes in Health Care Reform
Vicente Navarro

The Afghan War Question
Franklin Spinney

Obama and Nuclear Power
Joshua Frank and Jeffrey St. Clair

The Novocaine Presidency
Kevin Alexander Gray

Obama’s War for Oil in Colombia
Daniel Kovalik

Blowback of the Drones
Gary Leupp

America the Pacified
Kathy Kelly

Kagan’s Disturbing Record
Marjorie Cohn

Obama and the Nuclear Rocket
Karl Grossman

Torturing the Rule of Law
Chase Madar

Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed
Paul Krassner

Let Them Eat Oil
Jeffrey St. Clair

Obama’s Sellout on Taxes
Michael Hudson

Obama and Rendition
Steve Hendricks

The Murdered Women of Juarez
Laura Carlsen

Obama’s Puzzling Silence
Ralph Nader

Inside Obamanomics
Ismael Hossein-Zadeh

The US as Israel’s Enabler in the Middle East
Kathleen Christison

Obama the Deregulationist
Andrew Levine

Monsanto’s Minions
Ronnie Cummins

The Torture of Bradley Manning
Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis

Winding Down Obama
Linh Dinh

Sexual Politics in the Age of Obama
David Rosen

What Has Bin Laden’s Killing Wrought?
Ray McGovern

Much Ado About Nothing
Alvaro Huerta

The Obama Administration and Iran
Sasan Fayazmanesh

Obama’s Nuclear Weapons Surge
Darwin Bond-Graham

Friends Without Benefits
David Macaray

War Colleges
Henry Giroux

Politics as the Earth Burns
Brian Tokar

Obama’s Attack on Social Security and Medicare
Dave Lindorff

Obama’s Assault on Civil Liberties
Bill Quigley

Top Ten Myths in the War on Libya
Maximilian Forte

War and Debt
Michael Hudsen

Perpetual War
Tariq Ali

Guantánamo, Torture and Obama’s Surrenders
Andy Worthington

Obama and the Economy
Mike Whitney

The Audacity of Dope
Fred Gardner

Black Backlash Against Obama
Linn Washington, Jr.

Coda: Occupy the System
Jeffrey St. Clair and Joshua Frank